Dennis Davey, Architect

In business since 1976 as Dennis Davey, Inc. Architect Dennis Davey, AIA has designed shopping centers, office buildings, industrial buildings, multi-family housing and hundreds of private residences.
An innovator in his field Mr. Davey has received four copyrights for his innovative and creative work. His first two copyright registrations were issued on 12/27/89 followed on 1/31/92 (registration number VA 495-877) for his work on flexible and affordable home designs and again on 9/12/94 (registration number VA 318-676) for his ground breaking work on a single room home, internationally known and marketed as a Hom4Me™.
DENNIS DAVEY, A HIGHLY RESPECTED ARCHITECT BASED IN CONNECTICUT IS A RECOGNIZED EXPERT IN DESIGNING QUALITY HOMES FOR LIMITED BUDGETS" (House Plans magazine, 1995 edition) Mr. Davey's flexible and affordable homes are a feature in House Plans magazine.
DAVEY HOMES SERVING AS NATIONAL MODELS" (Tri-Town Reporter October 14, 1979). Mr. Davey was among the first Architects in the country to design and build energy efficient homes, passive solar homes, earth bermed homes, and double wall envelope homes. His first media story appeared in The Hartford Times on April 14, 1974, followed by House Beautiful magazine, The New York Times, The Hartford Courant, House and Home magazine, and The New England Solar Energy Society model passive solar home program.
THIS ARCHITECT BREAKS ALL THE RULES" (The Business Times February 1983). Mr. Davey was the first Architect in New England and among the first Architects in the country to use computers as a design tool. His first media story appeared in The Hartford Courant on April 11. 1984 followed by Popular Science magazine, Connecticut magazine, Plan & Print magazine, The Business Times and Better Buildings magazine.
TOLLAND ARCHITECT ENVISIONS HOUSE OF THE FUTURE" (Tri-Town Reporter March 10, 1974). The first Architect in history to design and market a complete house in 225 square feet. His first media story appeared in the New York Times on October 30, 1994 followed by CNBC-TV, CNN-TV World News, BBC radio, Headline News. The New York Time on three separate occasions, The Associated Press on two separate occasions, International Herald Tribune, The Hartford Courant on two separate occasions, The Boston Globe, Popular Science Magazine, Connecticut Magazine, The Journal Inquire on two separate occasions, Greenwich Times, The Commercial Record, New York Construction News, Automated Builder Magazine, AIA Connecticut News, Springfield Republican, The Chronicle, and hundreds of daily papers in the United States and internationally carrying the Associated Press and New York Times releases.
Mr. Davey was director of the Connecticut Society of Architects, Home Builders Association and the Chamber of Commerce. He is also a former member of Rotary International, the Chamber of Commerce and Tolland Planning and Zoning Commission.
Mr. Davey has been happily married to his wife Fran, they have three children, Danine, Carrie Lynn and Christopher and two grand daughter’s Isabella Rose and Jillian Marie.
Mr. Davey lives in Tolland and has his office in Tolland.